Register with the surgery

Catchment area

Before filling out a registration form, check you are in our catchment area.

Find out which GPs you can register with on the NHS website.

Registering with the surgery

To register with the surgery:

When you register, it’s helpful to have your NHS number. You can use the NHS website to find your NHS number.

Related information

Named GP

Information regarding medication agreements at Tregenna Group Practice:

At Tregenna Group Practice have adopted a strict opiate prescribing policy for any new and current patient registered with us. Any new patient will be required to sign an opiate agreement, which includes a review within TWO weeks of joining the practice, this is to assess the appropriateness and dosing of the opiate medication. These reviews will be booked with our clinical pharmacist or GP. In some circumstances a prescription may be deemed inappropriate, in which case a reduction plan will be initiated.
We also do not issue medicines such as Benzodiazepines (E.g Diazepam), or any sedating medicines for insomnia such as (Zopiclone, Zolpiderm) on a long term basis. Any new patient on such medicines would be required to sign an agreement, for review and appropriate management of these medicines. It may be deemed that such medicines are inappropriate; in such cases reduction plans will be commenced.