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Measles Outbreak

Please visit this link for more information: Measles Outbreak

Support this winter

This Winter could be hard for many people- and cost of living worries can have a big impact on health and wellbeing.  

If you are worried about: 

Benefits and rent, debts or bills, food or staying warm, please ring Manchester’s Cost of Living advice line on freephone 0800 023 2692 Monday to Friday, 9am–4.30pm. More information is also available at or text: 07860 022876.  

Extra money you may be entitled to:  

Check if you are eligible for Pension Credit by calling charity Independent Age for free on 0800 319 6789 Monday to Friday, 8,30am–5.30pm, or visit  

Pension Credit is a very important benefit because it gives access to other benefits, such as social tariffs, the Warm House Discount, cheaper broadband, free TV licences, lower water bills, and now the Winter Fuel Payment. You need to apply for Pension Credit by 21 December. 


If you anticipate that you may require an examination by the doctor and feel that you would like a chaperone to be present, please make reception aware at the time of booking your appointment so that this can be arranged.

The consultation that takes place between a patient and their doctor/nurse is private and confidential. Quite often an examination is required to help make a diagnosis. This may be straightforward or sometimes can be more personal or of a sensitive nature.

Under these circumstances, your doctor will normally seek your agreement to a nurse or other staff member being present or, if a relative or friend has accompanied you to the surgery, they may be able to act as a chaperone if you wish.

If a chaperone is not offered but you would like someone to be present, do not be afraid to tell your doctor.

Procedures which are generally regarded as being of a sensitive nature are:

  • Cervical cytology
  • Gynaecological
  • Testicular
  • Breast examination
  • Rectal examination