Practice team

Practice Manager

Lynn Zubby

If you wish to discuss administrative or non-medical aspects of your health treatment or if you have any ideas which will improve the services we provide, our practice manager is there to help you.

The manager also deals with problems or complaints you may have to do with the practice.

Assistant Practice Manager

Jennifer Barrett

If you wish to discuss administrative or non-medical aspects of your health treatment or if you have any ideas which will improve the services we provide, our assistant practice manager is there to help you.

Medical Administrators/Receptionists

Hannah WilsonAdmin supervisor

Jessica Bonney

Stacey Mossman

Paula Craven

Stacey Bowers

Lauren Connors

Zoe Taylor

Tasha Shahidi

Kayleigh Hodgkins


Vanessa ElderSenior Secretary

Chelsea Vardensecretary

Lauren Starkey – Care – Co-Ordinator

Maria Bradbury Care Co-Ordinator

Aaron Kay – administrator