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Measles Outbreak

Please visit this link for more information: Measles Outbreak

Support this winter

This Winter could be hard for many people- and cost of living worries can have a big impact on health and wellbeing.  

If you are worried about: 

Benefits and rent, debts or bills, food or staying warm, please ring Manchester’s Cost of Living advice line on freephone 0800 023 2692 Monday to Friday, 9am–4.30pm. More information is also available at or text: 07860 022876.  

Extra money you may be entitled to:  

Check if you are eligible for Pension Credit by calling charity Independent Age for free on 0800 319 6789 Monday to Friday, 8,30am–5.30pm, or visit  

Pension Credit is a very important benefit because it gives access to other benefits, such as social tariffs, the Warm House Discount, cheaper broadband, free TV licences, lower water bills, and now the Winter Fuel Payment. You need to apply for Pension Credit by 21 December. 

Counselling and talking therapies

  • Talking Therapies

    Counselling is a process in which a person works closely with a counsellor on issues that may be causing distress in their lives. Counselling provides an opportunity to talk about problems and feelings, in an environment which is safe and confidential.


  • The African and Caribbean Mental Health Service

    Provides person-centered health and social care to the African Caribbean community in Manchester, Trafford and the surrounding areas. Professional counsellor available to look at problem areas in your life and find ways of dealing with them. Contact Dawn:

    0161 226 9562


  • Self Help: Free counselling

    If you are affected by relationship issues, family problems or abuse issues, this service gives you the opportunity to see a counselling practitioner to discuss these matters in more details and help improve your situation.


  • Counselling directory

    A nationwide database of private qualified counsellors and psychotherapists.


  • Gaddum Centre Adult Counselling

    A counselling service based at Gaddum House in Manchester, offering therapy for common mental health conditions. This service can be accessed by anyone, regardless of locations and accepts self-referrals, as well as referrals from GP/professionals/family members.

    0161 834 6069


  • LGBT Foundation

    LGBT Foundation has been providing a talking therapies service to the LGBT communities of the North West for over a decade with free sessions to individuals and couples.

    0345 3 30 30 30 
